9132000817     iicebolangir@gmail.com


Online Admission

Dear Student/Parent/Guardian,
Welcome to our Institute's Admission Center. Please use this form to apply for admission to our Institution. We need complete and accurate information about the student, so make sure you fill out all fields.

Institute Admission Forms are processed within 48 hours. You will receive an email confirmation when we process your application.

Please enter all proper and correct information for Online Admission. We Will verify that. After verification we will confirm.

(Provide correct eamil id, Your admission confirmation will be sent via email.)

(Do not give any space in between the nunbers.)

(You can upload only .jpg, .jpeg & .png photo file along with Max Size is 300 KB.)


  I hereby declare that the information given in this Application Form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read all the rules and regulation and promise to abide by it.